"P-Life" is a specially formulated degradant catalyst which leads polyolefin polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene, considered as non-biodegradable polymers, into Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics". OXO-biodegradable plastics contain metal salts used as the catalyst for OXO-biodegradation. These carry no risks of environmental pollution as they do not contain heavy metals.
"P-Life Oxo-Biodegradable Plastic Technology" is "The First and Only Oxo-Biodegradable Plastic Additive in the World Certified in SPCR141, Appendix 4 in accordance with ASTM D6954."
Products made with P-Life degradant additives would lead to total degradation into environmentally benign products within a few months to a few years as compared to decades or longer for same products made without such technology. Biodegradability of P-Life Degradable Plastics has been tested and proved to comply with ISO14855 standard. ISO14855 is defined as “Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability and disintegration of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions – Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide”.
Degradation Steps of P-Life Degradable Plastics
Stage 1: Oxidative Degradation
Under Sun Light, together with abundance of Heat and Oxygen commences, P-Life degradable plastics become embrittled and they are ready to be bio-assimilated by the living organism.
Stage 2: Biodegradation
Further to oxidative degradation in stage one, the low molecular mass oxidation products produced will be bio-assimilated gradually in soil or bio-active composting environment. Subsequently, it will be digested by the living organism transforming into Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Water (H2O) and Biomass through metabolism of the living organism.